New Eggs! Can you confirm?

I was talking to a friend about this. Imagine laying something almost every single day and the amount of work and energy that takes?! I made sure to give the gals some treats today to celebrate the event and also give them a little extra something haha
When an egg starts its journey, it travels pointy end first. When it's laid, it comes out round end first. So at some point, it's sideways...
Think about that when you see jumbo eggs in the store... :th

Another way to know who is laying is to put some food coloring on their vents, a different color for each bird. A bit will rub off on the egg shell.
When an egg starts its journey, it travels pointy end first. When it's laid, it comes out round end first. So at some point, it's sideways...
Think about that when you see jumbo eggs in the store... :th

Another way to know who is laying is to put some food coloring on their vents, a different color for each bird. A bit will rub off on the egg shell.
Oh boy! One of my gals is so petite compared to her sister (both black australorps born same day) that I wonder (and hope for her sake) if she will have smaller eggs. Haha 😅

And the food coloring idea is very interesting! I’m learning so much every day.
When an egg starts its journey, it travels pointy end first. When it's laid, it comes out round end first. So at some point, it's sideways...
Think about that when you see jumbo eggs in the store... :th

Another way to know who is laying is to put some food coloring on their vents, a different color for each bird. A bit will rub off on the egg shell.
That is too funny! I might try that. Two of my Australorps are ones I would love to breed for SOP, and one of the five lays an egg with a super heavy bloom. I'm curious to know if that egg is coming from either of them? My Welsummer eggs all look a little different too, so I'd love to know who is laying the "best" looking ones... 🤔 I'm so sad I lost two of them before they had even come into lay, so I'll never know what their eggs might have looked like :(
They do leave so much powdery bits all the time and I hadn’t thought of a good use until now! Thank you so much!

I will take all this advice and invest in some higher protein feed.
Even more reason to feed your S&P fermented, wet, or at least wet the fines and give it to them as a treat. The protein you're paying for, as well as additional vitamins, minerals, etc. are in those fines that are otherwise wasted.
If you look at the vent, a pullet laying an egg or getting real close to laying will have a large, pink, soft, moist vent. A pullet not laying will have a small tight dry vent. When you see the difference it is obvious.
When you see the difference it is obvious.

If it’s not too much trouble would you mind looking at my other post linked above with pictures of vents? I’m still struggling a little with 3-4 of my girls vents looking similar 😅 the 5th I feel I can rule out for sure
cracked egg on the poop board is from your chicken not being able to see to get down off the roost and find the nest box in the dark mornings. I (and others) have put a battery operated, photo cell on/off stair light made by Mr. beam so they can see to get down and to the nest instead of dropping the egg while sitting on the roost in the dark.
Oh boy! One of my gals is so petite compared to her sister (both black australorps born same day) that I wonder (and hope for her sake) if she will have smaller eggs. Haha 😅

And the food coloring idea is very interesting! I’m learning so much every day.
Learning new stuff is always exciting, and at BYC there are plenty of experts and teachers ready to share. Love it!
Thank you so much for this!
I am feeding them scratch and peck grower feed which is I believe 17% protein and I was going to move up to the 18% layer feed when all the gals start laying. This is all so exciting thank you for the golf ball tips!
You can feed all of them layer feed now, if they are all the same age. It'll prime all systems go. 18 weeks is the changeover point.
This is true, but:
(from the internet)
"The live mealworm is made out of 20% protein, 13% fat, 2% fiber, and 62% moisture, while the dried mealworm is made out of 53% protein, 28% fat, 6% fiber, and 5% moisture."

Lots of protein, but lots of fat too. Same with BOSS (black oil sunflower seed). That's why I give mine their mash, and any other snack is like sprinkles on a cupcake. Just a few.

And sometimes I give them nutritionally worthless treats, too, because, well, treats, chickens, ya know? They go absolutely bonkers for bread. That is a totally a treat, like candy. But watch a chicken grab a bite of bread and run with it... Like they caught the pass are taking it to the house. It's entertainment for me and for them.
Try throwing a fresh, dead mouse in there. Even more rugby fun! My cat leaves chicken treats at the door. Protein, calcium, and fiber!
When an egg starts its journey, it travels pointy end first. When it's laid, it comes out round end first. So at some point, it's sideways...
Think about that when you see jumbo eggs in the store... :th

Another way to know who is laying is to put some food coloring on their vents, a different color for each bird. A bit will rub off on the egg shell.
Paste food coloring works best, I've read.

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