My RI Red hen does not fit in with the rest of the flock

I had a sick baby that has spent most of her time indoors and she is basically paper trained. I have specific towels that I put out and she will go back onto the towel for potty. Her little potty cleanup is by far less work than the dog fur clean up. It may have helped that whenever she made a potty I wiped it up with the towel. She has a stool next to the couch that she likes to sit on. All in all she is good company but now that she is healthy enough she is out with the flock. Not sure if it would work with a grown bird. I would only have one roo for so few girls and change the order by adding more hens. For biosecurity I have a small transitional pen for bringing in new peeps.
Well, we decided to adopt some more chickens. Brigit the wonder chicken may or may not get along with them, but this little family of RI reds are the same age as my current chickies (leghorns) within a few weeks (all spring babies this year) and (we hope) will make a nice addition to our family flock.

today my son and I made the 3-hour (each way) drive to pick then up at a shelter in Mendota. there is a roo (a really beautiful dark red guy) and 3 girls. Somebody bought them in the spring when they were cute and tiny, without thinking what to do when winter came. (Because winter never comes to Illinois, it was a complete surprise to these people.) The lady we got them from told me each of the chicken had a wire tie around its leg when she got them, which the people were useing like a collar. they tied a string to the wire tie, and then fastened the string to a tent stake in the ground. LIke a leash.

We got everyone home and settled in. One of the hens laid an egg on the way home! The leghorns dont know what to make of the situation, and the dirt-talking and posturing between the two roosters began immediately. i have the new chickens in one section of thge shed, my old red hen in another section, and the leghorns on their perch. i dont hear`any yelling, so i guess theyre ok for the night.

It has been really cold, so I have been letting Brigit the wonder chicken stay inside for a few days. She really is a pet, I'm sure of it. She is totally happy to sit in her pen in the kitchen. She whistles and clucks for attention, and sits happily on the back of the recliner while we are watching TV and snuggling with the cats. I am getting her a chicken diaper for Christmas, so she can come in and hang with us, but I also want her to be a chicken and at least enjoy some sunshine and fresh air. Besides, I want my kitchen floor back and I am sick of washing her bedding.

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