My lil Chickadee


Mar 1, 2023
We had to incubate few eggs due to 2 hens acting as Co moms. It was pretty cool. We didn't know they had that many eggs though lol. Came home and saw 4 babies on the ground and my black miran was taking care them. She wasn't sitting on the eggs though, Big red sat on the eggs and Rhode runner took care of them lol. It was funny, anyway, we had bring rest of eggs in. They hatched a wk later and this one kept coming to me, following me, sitting on my shoulders lol. I named him Chickadee because my niece use to call them chickadees. Anyway, he was following me around and before I could stop him, he crabbed a piece of white dust mold. He got sick, couldn't stand, walk etc. I took care of him and he got better. But it stunted his growth and caused balance issues. It also caused mental issues. He's really mean now. If I sing to him he calms down and comes to me but I have to sing the MJ song rockin Robin but changed to rockin chickie, lol.. I have to keep him separate from the others, he's so small with a big attitude. He acts crazy but I love him lol. He growls at my husband, actually growls even, my husband feeds him, waters him, helped him when sick or hurt, I don't know why he attacks my husband all the time. Maybe he doesn't like my husband's singing haha.. the big Rhode island red is chicken little, the daddy, the smaller one is Chickadee
If spelling is messed up I apologize, it won't let me see what I wrote lol


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