My Jumbo Cortunix quail...

I have discovered that setting the brooder lamp on a sturdy support beats dangling it any day. I use hardware cloth on the top of my brooders and set the lamp directly on top of the hardware cloth. Then I use a lamp switch dimmer that I got at Wal*art and slide the switch to change the temperature.

If nothing else, you could make a support for the brooder lamp(s) to set in your brooder area if your brooder is not completely enclosed or too big for wire all the way across. And I am not describing this too well, I know.

Sam, those sure are some PURTY birdies... I love the look of the goldens! I have two adult pairs left from my first hatch, and another 29 in the brooder (I'm KEEPING these!!)
I'd love to see photos of your pens...

Kim... :aww I didn't realize you'd had such a hard time with them! They are kind of dorky, in a way, because they don't realize that they're small and will drown. They're so sweet, though. Just wait until they're older...

I have the clamp-on lights with the aluminum shields... I've done it both ways, resting it on wire on top of the brooder, or clamping it so it shines in. My biggest thing is that when the chicks get a little older, they're jumping up and bonking their heads on the lightbulb!!! :eek:
Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain :

Kim... :aww I didn't realize you'd had such a hard time with them! They are kind of dorky, in a way, because they don't realize that they're small and will drown. They're so sweet, though. Just wait until they're older...

They are almost two weeks now and they are doing much(!) better. We have finally settled on about 35.

Yup...quail can be quite the killer to one another and also suicide machines! I came home and a couple got in under and then between the cardboard and the cage side. They crawled upward or jumped but nearly got over the side of the cardboard before hanging themselves with the wire mesh. I have lost a couple of the last and really weaker late hatchers to stampedes. I still have a little over 80 chicks luckily and will try to sell some tomorrow before they devise new ways of offing themselves.

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