My chicken needs her beak trimmed and I’m unsure/scared.


In the Brooder
May 7, 2022
When my broody hen finally stopped being broody today I noticed her top beak and almost something hanging on it upon further inspection I found her top beak has grown larger than it should. It isn’t impeding her eating horribly she can still eat but I’m sure she would say other wise because it is hard to eat her favorite snack cheese. She’s our last chicken from our original flock so I’m over protective and stressed about doing it wrong.
After googling I’ve seen people say to use human nail clippers and files. I also have cat nail clippers could that work too? I am not even sure how much I should even cut off. Should I just cut off the piece in the front or even more ? Also is there angle or anything I need to have. Please any help as this is my first beak trimming experience. I’m attaching pictures of her beak so please let me know how much to trim.


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I don't have experience with an overgrown beak, but I have seen someone suggest giving the hen access to a brick and allowing her to file her own beak.
Good to know @Yardmom!
Human nail clippers will be fine to use. Just take the clippers and clip off enough beak so that it's not hanging over. You could go by your other chicken's beaks to know how far to clip. It absolutely won't hurt your hen in the slightest. The sooner you can get it done, the better. My brother clipped his hen's beak so she couldn't keep breaking her eggs. Worked like a charm. There's no special angle or anything, just one quick clip. Let us know how it goes!
When my broody hen finally stopped being broody today I noticed her top beak and almost something hanging on it upon further inspection I found her top beak has grown larger than it should. It isn’t impeding her eating horribly she can still eat but I’m sure she would say other wise because it is hard to eat her favorite snack cheese. She’s our last chicken from our original flock so I’m over protective and stressed about doing it wrong.
After googling I’ve seen people say to use human nail clippers and files. I also have cat nail clippers could that work too? I am not even sure how much I should even cut off. Should I just cut off the piece in the front or even more ? Also is there angle or anything I need to have. Please any help as this is my first beak trimming experience. I’m attaching pictures of her beak so please let me know how much to trim.
my broody always gets that whenever she gets broody because she doesnt scratch or peck around in the dirt. I have never done anything to her, and usually after some time of being in the run, she's fine.

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