My chicken is acting weird

I haven’t been with her today but I had my brother check on her this morning and he said she was just laying in the hen house by herself. She hasn’t drank much water to my knowledge. She’s at the top of the pecking order. I have a rooster but he’s not that mean and she usually stands up to him. She’s 3-5. She’s not laying anymore. No vaccinations to my knowledge, I didn’t raise her from a chick. I’m gonna say probably no vaccines. I can upload pictures when I get home.


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I can take a picture of her and her eyes, poop might be a challenge since I have several chickens.

Her age isn’t 100% known because I didn’t raise her from a chick. Most likely 3-5. I give them a mix of layer crumble, layer pellets, and scratch feed. For treats, I give them meal worms, veggies (cucumbers and carrots mostly), and white bread. She hasn’t layed in a year-ish.

I’ve only tried a little, but she isn’t drinking. She’s in this weird daze all the time.


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I would work on hydration, if you have electrolytes those would be good.

Give her 1/4 tablet B-Complex daily. Can you find any injuries or bruising?

You have a rooster?
I would work on hydration, if you have electrolytes those would be good.

Give her 1/4 tablet B-Complex daily. Can you find any injuries or bruising?

You have a rooster?
She passed away yesterday evening, sadly. Thank you guys for your help! I wish I knew what was wrong. I do have a rooster but he’s usually not that bad and she always stands up to him. I’m scared it was Marek’s because her legs stopped working and she was soooo out of it. I took all the shavings out of the coop and I’m going to let it air out for a few days to hopefully prevent the spread of disease if Marek’s is actually what she had. Again, thank you so much for your help!
Sorry for your loss. When you lose a chicken, it always is a good idea to have your state vet lab perform a necropsy, and testing for Mareks if it is indicated when you lose one. You would keep the body cold, wrapped in 2 clean garbage bags, and transport it to the state vet. They also send a prepaid label for overnight shipping via FedEx. Here is a list of state vets.
She passed away yesterday evening, sadly. Thank you guys for your help! I wish I knew what was wrong. I do have a rooster but he’s usually not that bad and she always stands up to him. I’m scared it was Marek’s because her legs stopped working and she was soooo out of it. I took all the shavings out of the coop and I’m going to let it air out for a few days to hopefully prevent the spread of disease if Marek’s is actually what she had. Again, thank you so much for your help!
I'm sorry about your hen.

Without testing, there's no way to know if she had Marek's disease or not.

Marek's is shed in dust/dander, if you have Marek's in your flock, airing out the coop is not going to prevent spread. All would have already been exposed to begin with. The virus lives in the environment for a long time. So, if testing is not possible, just keep an eye on others, if you lose another in similar circumstances and in a short period of time, then consider sending the body in so you will know the cause.

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