Jun 2, 2023
So I’m sure this has been asked before but I’m struggling with re infestation. For the last 8 months or so I spot small orange lice on my birds, mainly around the vents. I treat them with poultry dust on the vent, up the belly and back, but stay away from their heads. I completely clean out their coops and sprinkle poultry dust straight on the bare floor and then put in new sawdust.
About 2 weeks later I sprinkle them lightly with the poultry dust again and the problem appears to be taken care of. Except about 2 months later I notice the same bugs again. Is there something I’m missing? I don’t want to have to put the dust on all the time because I know it’s hard on them and their respiratory systems and I don’t want them to constantly have bugs. Please help!! I wanna get rid of these little suckers!
You need to drip permethrin on them. Use an eyedropper and two drops on the bottom and one drop on the back of neck. No more whatsoever, bc it does irritate their skin. When you check again, they will have tiny rashes but it isn’t painful for them I promise. Do it once every three days because you are killing the mites but not the eggs, and they hatch after three days, but you have to do it every three days, or else the ones that hatched will lay more eggs. Once they are gone, drop it once a month so they don’t come back. Always put lime or diatomaceous earth down before shavings so that the mites don’t stay in the coop. Also can put it where they dust bathe so they dust bathe in it that will keep the mites away.

Hope this helps!
You need to drip permethrin on them. Use an eyedropper and two drops on the bottom and one drop on the back of neck. No more whatsoever, bc it does irritate their skin. When you check again, they will have tiny rashes but it isn’t painful for them I promise. Do it once every three days because you are killing the mites but not the eggs, and they hatch after three days, but you have to do it every three days, or else the ones that hatched will lay more eggs. Once they are gone, drop it once a month so they don’t come back. Always put lime or diatomaceous earth down before shavings so that the mites don’t stay in the coop. Also can put it where they dust bathe so they dust bathe in it that will keep the mites away.

Hope this helps!
Thank you! Do you know where I can get a liquid permethrin? And when you say in their bottom do you mean like near their vent? I’m guessing you would put it below the vent?
Thank you! Do you know where I can get a liquid permethrin? And when you say in their bottom do you mean like near their vent? I’m guessing you would put it below the vent?
So I put it above their vent because that’s where I see the most, and it will drip, but you could drop one above and one below just to be safe. I get mine at the local co op, but most farmstores have it two. You can also order it online if necessary. Martins Permethrin you can get at chewy.com I think, and that works. Make sure the liquid touches the skin, or else it doesn’t work. This work for me really well, but always keep diatomaceous earth handy because they come back super easy.
So I put it above their vent because that’s where I see the most, and it will drip, but you could drop one above and one below just to be safe. I get mine at the local co op, but most farmstores have it two. You can also order it online if necessary. Martins Permethrin you can get at chewy.com I think, and that works. Make sure the liquid touches the skin, or else it doesn’t work. This work for me really well, but always keep diatomaceous earth handy because they come back super easy.

Would this work? It’s 10% permethrin, the durvet one. This one I know is available at my local farm store and it doesn’t break the bank lol

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