mini pasture how to grow


5 Years
Jun 5, 2019
I bought this pasture seed mix that contains clover, flax, and alfalfa. I seeded it in a REAL TINY area for a mini pasture for the chickens. I know this is a stupid question, but all of those plants flower, so can I wait for them to flower for the chickens to eat, or do I just let them eat it when it looks like grass?

Let them in the area when the grass is well rooted or they will pull it out. It won't take long. The flowers are highly nutritions and you might catch them eating the flowers. They will also be looking for yummy things like insects and worms. My chickens do more pecking at the ground than eating the salad.
If its a tiny area and you're not really trying to establish a permanent pasture that reseeds itself, then it seems like you'd get more out of it letting the chickens have it while it's still pretty young and then reseeding it to get two or more feedings from the little plot.

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