male emu pair?

It really depends on the temperament of the birds and what the hormones do to them as they age. It's usually female birds that don't get along very well with each other, but I have males who will go after other males/females. Even if they're best friends growing up, the dynamics completely change after they've matured.

I probably have cases of each type of pairing, whether it's two females, two males, or a female/male pairing that either gets along or will chase/fight on sight. It's a roll of the dice and out of your control, and based upon the individual rather than gender. And their relationships change too: one year they might hate each other's guts, the next they tolerate each other.

(Most) emus are territorial, and if your pair doesn't get along, they will need space to be able to get away and stay away from the other bird.
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The species is 'gyno-centric', A. -- the girls are in charge. The literature says that the females mate with males other than the one they have formed a breeding-pair with.

(Thus, males emus hatch and raise chicks that they share no DNA with, with is evolutionarily interesting.)

Let me think about this one.

Supreme Emu
'If I have one male and 2 females Emus. Will he mate with both of them.'

'Territorialising' happens among breeding-pairs (and millions of other emooz runnin' about the place . . . ). So there's always oodles of space.

So, in your case, if the male mated with both females, there'd . . . be two breeding pairs? 'overlapping'?


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