Looking for advice on humane Muscovy population control methods or rehoming suggestions please.

Duck Dodgers

In the Brooder
Jun 16, 2015
Hello, this is Duck Dodgers (Daffy Duck's alter ego) but also in the context of what a few of my neighbors are attempting to do. First off, I'd like to say what a valuable source of information this site has been through the process of nursing my "handicapped" duck back to health this January. Let me start from the beginning.

I live in a subdivision in the Jacksonville, Florida area. About four-five years ago, a neighbor took it upon herself to purchase four Muscovy ducks and release them in the pond my house backs up to. This was right before or right about the time the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission released their rules regarding the legalities of releasing Muscovy ducks into the wild. I wish I had known that then, and I could have confronted said neighbor and asked her to return the ducks from which they came. That neighbor has since moved away, and as it is in most Muscovy duck-laden neighborhoods, it has pitted neighbor against neighbor. I DO NOT WANT TO SEE HARM COME TO THESE DUCKS.

We do now have quite a few Muscovy ducks in the neighborhood, including my girl, Blue, the handicapped duck I have cared for since she was a duckling. I joined BYC in the hopes of finding advice on population control but my hope beyond hope is that I can find homes for the ducks - or at least one sex of the ducks (there are 5 drakes) so the population can be managed. I've read about addling the eggs, but that did not work, plus, it being a neighborhood, I can't exactly go traipsing about other people's property to seek out the nests. We were lucky this season and had three girls nesting in the yard.

I grew up in South Florida where Muscovies were EVERYWHERE and was never really fond of them. That has changed now. They are not entirely tame, but they are used to people and myself and they are not mean. I've come to think of them as stray cats. A neighbor is threatening to harm them - duck drama as I call it.

If anyone has any advice on a farm or a sanctuary who might be willing to take these ducks in, I can trap them. I am also willing to transport them if it is a reasonable drive from Jacksonville. I want them to go to a good home where they will be well cared for and allowed to live their lives out in peace. I can continue to care for my girl, Blue, who has a strong "personality" and is probably the inspiration for the Raptor who is named Blue in Jurassic World (just sayin'.) The rest of the ducks are quite friendly, and I can provide photos if requested.

Thanks for reading!

Duck Dodgers

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