Let's share money saving tips!

4H KIDS 7 MOM: How much garlic??? I have a nonsense and have had awful trouble with all the regular flea preventatives!! His hair just soaks it up no matter how I apply it...so it never get on his skin and therefore doesn't work! I'm really interested in this garlic idea!!!
I just tried to look it up (being lazy!) but didn't find it. I'll go hunt it down on the bookshelf and let you know the exact title and author.

I wasn't aware that A.D. had put out a Tightwad part III- I guess I'll go pick it up tomorrow. I needed a good reason to go to the bookstore anyway (books- my other passion).
we replaced all our bulbs (except oven and fridge bulbs) with compact flourescent, and installed a solar hot water heater! The solar hot water heater (only about $5k installed) dropped our electric bills like a rock! It cut our electric bill by about 30%. On edit - we got about $1800 in tax writeoff for the solar hotwater heater too!

We heat with wood (a tulikivi soapstone fireplace in the family room - it radiates heat for over 24 hours after the fire goes out!)
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