Ivermectin use in cats?

Yesterday Scaredy found a semi dry spot up against the house and hunkered down for most of the day. Today was so warm that she actually stretched out in a shady spot. Once it started cooling down she moved out into the sun. She is starting to appear a bit arthritic again. She was good most of the winter.

She still gets around for an older, more mature lady!
I've been training a couple of young dogs for a friend. Last night they were being noisy so I went out to calm them down - leaving the sliding door to the deck open. Came in and went back to bed. Half an hour later the Princess enters the bedroom and says, "Scaredy is in the house, and she is screaming." She was standing by the door screeching at the top of her lungs. Opened the door, and she left without so much as a thank you.
I've been training a couple of young dogs for a friend. Last night they were being noisy so I went out to calm them down - leaving the sliding door to the deck open. Came in and went back to bed. Half an hour later the Princess enters the bedroom and says, "Scaredy is in the house, and she is screaming." She was standing by the door screeching at the top of her lungs. Opened the door, and she left without so much as a thank you.
Two days ago it was lightly raining, and Scaredy was on the deck up against the house somewhat under the overhang. Couldn't figure out why she was there getting splashed. Yesterday I had the Princess wash her blankets, and last night the fussy girl was sleeping in her clean bedding.
Two days ago it was lightly raining, and Scaredy was on the deck up against the house somewhat under the overhang. Couldn't figure out why she was there getting splashed. Yesterday I had the Princess wash her blankets, and last night the fussy girl was sleeping in her clean bedding.

You need a new maid service for Scaredy's laundry Sour :lol:

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