Is the feather footed gene dominant?

There are several genes for feathered feet. I've read of at least two that are dominant and one that is recessive.

Yes, this. From my understanding, there are also genes that suppress the expression of leg feathering, so a bird could have genes for feathered legs but not actually have them as a result of those genes. I do not know the dominance or inheritance of these genes.

And there's feather stubs like those shown on the Bielefelder in post #9, which is a recessive gene as well.

As a practical matter, crossing a chicken with feathered feet to a chicken with clean feet will usually give chicks that have some foot feathering, but not as much as the feather-footed parent.

I agree with this as well, this is generally the result of crosses of clean-legged to feather-legged chickens.

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