Is Pineapple toxic for chickens?

After cleaning my duck kiddie poll on a regular basis, I can attest to the fact that they can make it nasty in an instant. I also throw a partial scoop in the coop to get my chickens back in. I have known folks that buy a 50lb bag of cracked corn, which I hope they are not feeding as their sole ration for their birds. Sorry bout your bird...
Thanks. We had another die yesterday. It was sick for couple days and just died unlike the first one mentioned in this thread. The other ones look fine but we are keeping a close eye on them.

Also we clean out the duck pond every day. I dug a shallow water well about 12 years ago so it's a free source of water. The pond is drained, rinsed, and refilled every day no matter what. And yes they much that pond up everyday. There is a thick layer of sediment every time we drain
After reading all of the posts, I do believe the pineapple was unrelated to the death. Pineapple in moderation is fine. I am sorry for your loss.
I guarantee there was a underlying cause of the death. We too recently had a chicken die for no apparent reason. Fine one minute and prior/ an hour later couldn’t walk. Knowing she didn’t have water belly, a stuck egg and couldn’t walk anymore, we ousted her. My husband did an autopsy as we often do, when curious, and she showed no signs until we found a tumor in her stomach the size of an egg! Poor thing…!!! Seems as though every one we purchased from a retail store dies of weird things-
You just don’t know with chickens. My only hope is they don’t suffer but sometimes us owners have to intervene.
I would like to talk further of your ducks and pond as we are new to this world … just lost our daddy duck as we didn’t know certain types of algae were toxic?!?!??
Thanks a bunch!
I don't know much about ducks. We have 4 Welsh Harlequins that lay almost every day. They used to be real loud but as of the past few months they have quieted down a bunch. We feed them the same food as the chickens and have never had any problems with them. We do bleach their pond over night about once a month and rinse real well the next day to when algae starts to build up.
Are the bees out where you live? My husbands grandmother had a hen that chased and caught a bumble bee, it stung her in the throat and must haven swelled it up and she died within minutes of eating the bumble bee.

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