Is my coop too small?

I’m quite new to this. I’m not sure what or how those roost are. I appreciate the help
Your roosts should be above the nesting box (as you have them) or the birds will sleep in the boxes.

You typically want them at least 1-foot away from the wall. You want them high enough that the birds can walk under them but not so high that they can't jump/fly at a 45-degree angle to get up and down.

This is a great article to read for information and ideas:

The article links to this site which as some great information for spacing in a small coop:
Your roosts should be above the nesting box (as you have them) or the birds will sleep in the boxes.

You typically want them at least 1-foot away from the wall. You want them high enough that the birds can walk under them but not so high that they can't jump/fly at a 45-degree angle to get up and down.

This is a great article to read for information and ideas:

The article links to this site which as some great information for spacing in a small coop:
I appreciate the information, I think I’m going to extend it out a few feet, take out the ladder and try to figure out the best way to put in new roosting bars
Your roosts should be above the nesting box (as you have them) or the birds will sleep in the boxes.

You typically want them at least 1-foot away from the wall. You want them high enough that the birds can walk under them but not so high that they can't jump/fly at a 45-degree angle to get up and down.

This is a great article to read for information and ideas:

The article links to this site which as some great information for spacing in a small coop:
x2 (though to specify you want roosts higher than nest boxes, not directly above them as that can just end up landing poop inside the boxes if they're not sufficiently covered to prevent that from happening). The roosts are too steep on top of each other so birds up higher can poop on ones below, and way too close to each other.

Minimum spacing to aim for: 12" from wall, 14-16" apart from roost to roost, with at least as much landing space in front of the roost as the roost is high (2' roost needs 2' in front to land).

I don't see any ventilation in the coop. You should open up the soffits for starters, that will instantly give you a good amount. You want at least 1 sq ft per bird in ventilation 24/7 in moderate climates, and more in hotter climates. You don't specify your climate at all but having that would help with more specific advice on that front.
Hi, good question. The general rule of thumb is that you should plan to provide 4 sq ft of floor space for each LF* chicken in your coop, and 10 sq ft for each bird in your run. 4×4 = 16 sq ft, Divided by 4 = 4 so there is room for 4 birds in your coop. BUT you have to subtract any floor footage occupied by waterer, feeder, nests or anything else.
That’s an accurate response. It will be tight. Most poor behaviors occur when space is tight, so plan on increasing in the future. I have 10 girls. 2 stories. Top is enclosed w plexiglass windows for light. They can go downstairs where the food/water is. They get a bit roudy when weather keeps them inside.
That’s an accurate response. It will be tight. Most poor behaviors occur when space is tight, so plan on increasing in the future. I have 10 girls. 2 stories. Top is enclosed w plexiglass windows for light. They can go downstairs where the food/water is. They get a bit roudy when weather keeps them inside.
Curious how your two story coop is going, we are thinking of expanding our coop, but can only really build down.

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