Intro from Sunny Central CA


In the Brooder
12 Years
Apr 10, 2007
Hi All,

I thought I would introduce myself here (I already posted in another topic). I am a stay-at-home mom who will be homeschooling my daughter who just turned 3 on April 3rd. We are very much interested in being more self-sufficient. We do live in the city so were are limited as to what we can do. We do have a large lot as far as living in the city and it being a track home and all. Our house will be finished later this month so I will get to start from scratch, if you will, as far as our backyard.

I am ordering some Bantam's online at "My Pet Chicken" as I can order females (I am not exactly zoned for poulty) so I need to stay under the radar and don't need the noise from a Rooster.

We are probably only going to get about 4-6 chicks to start out.

Anyway, hello and I love this forum!!

Gregswife......welcome to the forum...and the madness of chickenwifery!! Hens will cackle a bit, when they carefull with that. Get to know your nabors well..and let them know...if they are ok with the hens, they get eggs too! (bribes seem to work well)

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