Integrating a rooster


Jan 28, 2024
Hi everyone,

Getting a new rooster from another farm this week. I plan to separate him and my existing flock of hens for a bit until they get used to each other, but wondering if I need to separate him longer in terms of quarantine? Because he is from another farm, I don't know if I need to quarantine him for a bit in case he is carrying a virus, etc. Thanks in advance!
Thanks ya'll! After some more research, I've decided to keep him in a separate cage for at least a week, and then begin the integration process. Luckily, I have an old rabbit hutch that works well for breaking broody hens and acting as a hospital.
Thanks ya'll! After some more research, I've decided to keep him in a separate cage for at least a week, and then begin the integration process. Luckily, I have an old rabbit hutch that works well for breaking broody hens and acting as a hospital.
Not a week, a month. It can take 2-3 weeks for some incurable and highly contagious disease to show themselves after a stress event such as new environment.
It depends on your current flock. If you have a rare flock, or a very valuable flock, then I would completely follow the quarantine rules. Or if you would go into a state of decline if you got sick chickens. Chickens can carry diseases.

And it depends on the farm you are getting him from. Do they do chicken shows, do they buy chickens from auctions? Are their chickens exposed to strange chickens, who might be carrying diseases? If so, I would do a very careful quarantine.

However, if they don't introduce strange birds, and they have a healthy flock that you see. Then I would not worry about it. Many times, I have introduced new chickens from people like me that have raised them near by in similar situation and not had any problem.

Do not get anything you feel sorry for. Do examine the bird carefully for pests.

The thing with quarantine is you can't cheat at it. It is an all or nothing deal. If you just separate for a week, you really don't need to mess with it at all. If your bunny hutch is close to the coop/run, it is not quarantine.

Mrs K
Thanks everyone! Yeah, that was what I was thinking about the quarantine - if I really am serious about it, I have to go all in. Otherwise, there's really no point in doing it. Just got him this afternoon. He looks very healthy, normal poop, bright red comb. I'll give him an inspection.
Personally, I have never done a quarantine over the past three years I have been raising chickens. I generally keep around 15 - 20 hens and I have one roo. I live in the country and my flock free-ranges from dawn until dusk. We do occasionally lose some to predators. When this happens, I will wait until I want to add another 4 or more back to the flock. I will not buy any chickens from anyone that will not let me come to their house and check out their set-up and pick the hens that I want. If a single bird at their place looks questionable, I won't buy any at all. After buying the birds, I leave them in the crate and put the crate into the existing coop. The flock comes around and checks them out at will. Once the flock is roosting for the night, I'll let the new ones out of the crate and into the population. In the morning, they begin establishing the pecking order. So far, so good.

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