Im So confused!!

BSL roo would have barring, like a barred rock. Only the girls are black w/ gold hackle feathers. So if it's a roo, it's not a BSL. Maybe it's a really, really advanced girl? I can't think of anything that looks like a female BSL as a chick....
I looked on and it looks like the only other black chickens they have are Australorps and Black Jersey Giants. Maybe you have on of those.
Dont lose hope yet!! It could still be a female. Everyone seems to judge the sex of birds by the size of their combs. Really, dont listen to this all the time, hens can have large combs too. Ive had black australorps, which are known for their very large combs in both sexes. I also have some buff orpingtons, one hen with a comb so large it actually scares me a little. haha. All you can do is give it time
Well, a Black Maran would have dark legs, did he have a spot on his head when he was tiny?

Becky- No no white spot on the head, solid black and solid black legs and feet

BSL roo would have barring, like a barred rock. Only the girls are black w/ gold hackle feathers. So if it's a roo, it's not a BSL. Maybe it's a really, really advanced girl? I can't think of anything that looks like a female BSL as a chick....

Angie- I really hope its a really advanced girl. Because shes definatly not comming in barred.

I looked on and it looks like the only other black chickens they have are Australorps and Black Jersey Giants. Maybe you have on of those.

Southernchick- Good point im going to have to look up there characteristics..but as for now im
At just a little over 3 weeks old....I don't think a pullet could be THAT more mature then the rest. That's very young. My pullets are 15 weeks old and the more mature ones are just now getting noticeable wattles.

Just wait and see. Since he was a packing peanut you really don't know what breed he is. Maybe some others with more experience will join the thread and help you out with what breed he is.
My pet chicken sent me 2 extra birds and both were Australorps. That made a total of 3 in the shipment and all 3 have developed at different rates. I thought for sure one of them was a roo (she was getting bigger faster and even her legs seemed larger) but then she slowed down and now is apparently a hen (no eggs yet but her comb is very very small and matches the other two). They were all black when they were little (1 had a tiny bit of white around her eye and another had a spot of white feathers above her eye).

I am not an experienced chicken person (this is our first time with any chickens) but I hope that helps!


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