Identifying a breed - Is my hen a Sussex?


Nov 22, 2023

End of August, I have traded three of my 3 months old Runner ducks for two pullets :


The silver laced Wyandotte was actually a cockerel... so I gave him away, because I have no need for a Wyandotte rooster for now.
But whatever...!

Fact is, I am not sure what breed my yellow hen is!! And I'm curious... And I have preferences...

She is named Cannelle.
She is "light buff" coloured, and is medium/normal sized.
She is not laying any egg yet, but I think she will soon : she looks adult enough...

Picture from today :


...What do you think...?

She totally looks like a Sussex to me.
I think she is one, but I have only had LIGHT Sussex ever; and I don't know... she is weirdly coloured, no? No light, no buff, but a mix...?


The ones who gave her to me don't know what she is!
She just comes from eggs they had incubated at the request of their daughter...


In my opinion, she really IS a Sussex.
I hope she is, because Sussex are really good layers, and have great personalities... but the colour of this one is so surprising...?
I have never seen a Sussex coloured like that...!!


She also has this "eagle like stare" all the Sussex have, you know...?
And the crest is similar...

(But just : are her feet not too... yellowish, for a Sussex...? And her bill...?)


So... what do you think?
Is she a Sussex?

Actually, I only choose her for her yellow colour - for variety in my flock... but since the Wyandotte I took with her was actually a rooster, I need another good layer for the winter.
I would be so lucky to have chosen a Sussex... (Beautiful and good layer...?!)

...I love Sussex chickens. They are a so great breed...!!

(I had a light Sussex rooster not so long ago...
My father named him Rambo.
He was the best rooster in the whole world - big and beautiful, and good singer -, and he was such a dog... seriously smarter than my (real) dog!
...Sussex are such a lovely breed...!!!)

(These are my most beautiful pictures of my hen. Sorry for the bad quality!!
...If somebody own Sussex chickens, I would like to see pictures and read about them...?
Thank you!)
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She has yellow legs, so not Sussex. Having the yellow (Buff) tint on her feathers suggest not pure breed. She may be some kind of sex link, or plain mixed breed. She is very pretty, so it will not matter what she is.

Thank you for your answers!

So... she is not a Sussex?
I'm surprised, but you look like you know more than me! Thank you.

I had several Sussex in the past, but they were hybrid breeds.

One was the biggest and, let's be honest, UGLIEST Sussex I have ever seen in my life :


She is named Litchi.

She is almost entirely white, so certainly not a "real" Sussex hybrid like we see everywhere?
I don't know... looks like a cross with a bigger breed, but I don't know what.

She is big, but her eggs are normal sized.

She is really mean for a Sussex, so... I had to give her away not long ago, because she was much too agressive with Nadine - my newest Sussex!
(And just with the Sussex : she really did not care for my other newest additions to the flock!)

Nadine is her :


She is the perfect Sussex : she is cute, lays eggs almost everyday, and has a really good personality (a bit timid nevertheless).
But she is clearly mixed.

...Cannelle - the yellow hen - looks like Nadine to me, but a bit bigger and "fuller".
That's why I thought she was a Sussex... maybe "just" a pure breed. Hence the differences with Nadine...?

Thank you again.
I could know more when Cannelle begins to lay eggs? If she lays everyday or not...
She is a beautiful mixed breed. She could easily have Sussex in her ancestry, though, or Orpington. Her coloring is very attractive but doesn't follow a standard color pattern.

Nadine looks very close to a light Sussex, but that variety should have pure white legs, so she may be mixed as well.

...When Cannelle was younger, I actually believed she was an Orpington!
I had searched pictures of different pullets (from the breeds I know I can find in Auvergne), and I thought she looked like an Orpington.
But since she did not grow much after that, I had just assumed she was a Sussex...?

...Nadine, for her part, HAS actually very light coloured legs. Not white, but more creamish/pinkish coloured...
For now, her legs looks a bit dark because of Cade Oil : https://www.distilleriedescevennes....l-huile-de-cade-poules?variant=41057647460399

...Nadine had bumblefoot on one foot, not so long ago. That why I used Cade Oil (hence her darker legs) : I find it easy and relatively fast to cure bumblefoot by using this product...
(I always use Cade Oil in the treatment of bumblefoot, and I have had a 100% success rate until now.)

Thank you for your answer!
Well... I have an Amberlink biddie... and there's something about the one with yellow feet makes me think of her! 🤔

Maybe she has some of the same mix that makes one of these..?

This is her right before she started laying...

She's gotten darker and more points as she's aged. The coloring is primarily in the tail, wing tips, and around her neck.

(Shrugs) Just a thought! Lol

Pretty birds ☺️


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