Hubby gave me chicken money šŸ˜­ā¤ļø

I am allergic to both corn and soy, and have an anaphylactic reaction to both.

I donā€™t have a reaction to store bought chicken or eggs, but I feed my ducks homegrown soy/ corn free layer.
(and our ducks lay enough that we havenā€™t bought eggs from the store in years- our youngest kiddo is allergic to chicken eggs so duck and turkey eggs are the staples around here)
I can get it locally for ~25$ / 50# bag.
And we do add extra vitamin B for the ducks in addition to the feed.

It, unfortunately, is a bit low in protein (16%) for our turkeys. And we have quite a few more Tom turkeys than drakes- so we feed a flock raiser to the turkeys, with free access to oyster shell and grit (for everyone).

Scratch and Peck also makes a great corn and soy free pellet- but itā€™s more than twice the price here, and more than I can justify spending for feed šŸ˜•

Please lmk if you find something else, Iā€™d sure love to be able to feed all of my birds a balanced food that doesnā€™t contain things that Iā€™m so allergic to!
Honestly I got my recipe from a man in Jamaica who feeds his chickens exclusively on egg shells beans and noodles/rice and veggie scraps. He sells eggs for a living too
Honestly I got my recipe from a man in Jamaica who feeds his chickens exclusively on egg shells beans and noodles/rice and veggie scraps. He sells eggs for a living too
I would like to know more about the specifics of your recipe- as well as what you are feeding (type/ quantity of birds. Very curious).
I would also only point out that feeding crushed egg shells from your birds as their sole source of calcium is a little tricky (if that is what you are doing) -
Because, if they are a little calcium deficient, they wonā€™t get enough from their own shells.

You might want to consider offering oyster shell (flaked or crushed) on the side - idk where you live, but itā€™s pretty inexpensive most of the time. šŸ’•
I would like to know more about the specifics of your recipe- as well as what you are feeding (type/ quantity of birds. Very curious).
I would also only point out that feeding crushed egg shells from your birds as their sole source of calcium is a little tricky (if that is what you are doing) -
Because, if they are a little calcium deficient, they wonā€™t get enough from their own shells.

You might want to consider offering oyster shell (flaked or crushed) on the side - idk where you live, but itā€™s pretty inexpensive most of the time. šŸ’•
Ours are actually over calciumed so I have to dial back. Soldier larvae is heavy in calcium and I use peppers and onions in my recipe but we play with the recipe a lot. Brewers yeast is an excellent addition as well and our eggs are very good and rich and our birds are in great health . Night Iā€™m pooped from canning and cleaning out coop and cooking and doing everything in the world that needs doing. Tata
I donā€™t! Iā€™ve been thinking of adding some ornamentals! I have amberlinks which are my least favorite except for Aggie whoā€™s my austrolorp Giyas best friend . Austrolorps are my all time fave. Comets are okay but I wonā€™t have comets or ambers again. Too moody for me. I like bantams Americanaā€™s austrolorps and barred rocks. I like blue Swedes for ducks and Campbells and Pekins so far
If you like barred rock you will love buff orpingtons

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