How do I introduce a new duck to my flock?


Jun 20, 2021
I have 2 pekin drakes and 2 pekin females. I keep the girls with one of the drakes in the coop and the other drake stays on the other side of the coop. The drake that the females stay with doesn’t seem to mistreat them or anything, not that i can tell anyway. The other drake can really horny and tries to breed with one of the girls and the other drake doesn’t like that. I think the breeding behavior has calmed down though. I was thinking of buying and introducing a new female to the flock, though i’m not sure how to go about that. Can i have 3 females and 2 drakes and what kind of female duck should I get? I’ve never bought a new duck before and introduced it to the flock. My ducks are about 2 years old. I’m looking for a female duck that’s probably about their age. I don’t really care what it looks like as long as the other ducks can get along with it. Other than the breeding behavior, the flock gets along for the most part, but come spring, their hormones are gonna be crazy.

Edit: I don’t want to have too many ducks in the flock.
You need at least 3 and up females for each drake the more females the better. I just recently brought home a female Buff who lost her flock to dogs I set up a dog x pen so everyone could meet she was there for the day and slept in a crate over night so she wouldn’t get picked on. The next day. When I let everyone out she went with them and no one picked on her my Runner drake would lower his head to tell her to stay away but no one has picked on her. She is now fully integrated in the flock of Runners Muscovy and Buffs
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the recommended ratio for ducks is 3-5 hens for each drake.
some people get away with fewer ducks per drake if they have a "drake jail" pen for whenever the drakes get too aggressive with the girls.
Can you get 2 more girls it would be much better..
introduce them by keeping them in a separate pen next to the old ducks for a week or 2.
then let them free range together daytime , watch how they do.
You can also add hiding places in the coop for at night so the girls can escape from the drakes if they want/need to.
I have a very large pen with lots of places to hide and places to get out of the weather. I have been able to add different species of ducks to my pen without any introductions and all have gotten along well. I have several different breeds and everyone seems to accept the new one. I am very fortunate and do not have a lot of drakes but mostly hens.

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