How can I ship or fly with my hens interisland in Hawaii when I have to move?

Exactly what I was thinking. Use a boat to move. Not a friends boat but actual ferry type system of interisland travel. There must be some sort of water travel system between islands.

We have Matsons, and my friend used to take care of Hawaiian cattle being moved to the mainland on their ship. For what it cost paying his wages, to feed, water, and clean up after livestock for two weeks...

I might as while fly to Virginia and back with three Malays myself.

Thankfully, he agreed to sell me some day old chicks in a few months. :)
No, but I have a canoe.

This is the first thing I pictured when I read this <3, <3, <3
Hello everyone!

I am looking at moving from Oahu to the Big Island in the next several months. I would like to take my hens with me and am trying to figure out how to do that.

It looks like Hawaiian Airlines will not allow people to fly with them as a checked pet because they don't consider chickens as pets. "Household birds covers types of birds people keep as pets. Chickens, roosters, fighting chickens or any live poultry, including day-old chicks or hatching eggs, are NOT considered household birds and cannot be accepted for transport."

So, if I used Hawaiian, I would have to ship them as Air Cargo, and the cheapest is $70 each. Ouch. rate contract.pdf?version=a2fe&sc_lang=en

Island Air looks like they will ship chickens in the cargo area when you fly with them, maybe... $35 each.

Has anyone had any experience with moving their flock? I have heard that USPS might do it, but if it ends up being super expensive, then I will probably take the ones I raised by hand and rehome the others, but I would rather not... I love them all! Also, if you have done it, I'd love to know how your chickens handled it... Were the shippers rough on them?

Just wondering if you moved your birds without problem and how? I am trying to do same with 1 rooster. Thanks for any info.
Exactly what I was thinking. Use a boat to move. Not a friends boat but actual ferry type system of interisland travel. There must be some sort of water travel system between islands.
There is not, unfortunately. Partly so the local airlines can keep a monopoly on the market and partly for environmental reasons.
Also the water currents between the islands can be quite treacherous.
1 rooster? Just pay the commercial airline fee and take them with you.

More birds? I'd check with Young Brothers for boat dates. You probably need to arrange port pickup though.
Hello everyone!

I am looking at moving from Oahu to the Big Island in the next several months. I would like to take my hens with me and am trying to figure out how to do that.

It looks like Hawaiian Airlines will not allow people to fly with them as a checked pet because they don't consider chickens as pets. "Household birds covers types of birds people keep as pets. Chickens, roosters, fighting chickens or any live poultry, including day-old chicks or hatching eggs, are NOT considered household birds and cannot be accepted for transport."

So, if I used Hawaiian, I would have to ship them as Air Cargo, and the cheapest is $70 each. Ouch. rate contract.pdf?version=a2fe&sc_lang=en

Island Air looks like they will ship chickens in the cargo area when you fly with them, maybe... $35 each.

Has anyone had any experience with moving their flock? I have heard that USPS might do it, but if it ends up being super expensive, then I will probably take the ones I raised by hand and rehome the others, but I would rather not... I love them all! Also, if you have done it, I'd love to know how your chickens handled it... Were the shippers rough on them?

Just checked with HNL Airport Animal Quarantine division who say there is no regulation for air travel for pet Chickens to travel inter-island and no permits are needed. They can be checked in as baggage, cargo charges do apply.

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