Here we go again - feather plucking, pale comb, blood spots


Dec 11, 2021

I’ve got a pecked in my hands that’s getting the blinders tomorrow.

Some of my rocks have been showing some signs of their feathers being plucked above the tail. There’s one pristine JGiant who I think is doing it. She is getting blinders. I’ve gotten a new puppy and work has been 50/wk so I’ve been busy with those. The chickens is keep an eye on, but not close enough it seems.

So with the feather pulling, one has gotten it pretty bad. Feather shafts are about what’s left in a baseball size patch above her tail. Definitely pecking and pulling. They weren’t doing badly until after a cold snap we had a few weeks ago where they were confined for a few days in the coop.

I’m a bit concerned as their combs are turning pale/whiteish at the tips and there’s blood spots on a lot of the combs, just little dried dots. the pecking damage looks pretty bad. I plan on putting blinders on the perfect giant as her feathers are in tact and comb has no blood specks.

Can’t seem to see any mites or lice. Checked around vents, the faces, random spot checks, nothing. I’ve been putting Rooster Booster No Peck on the bare spots…maybe it’ll help? Feathers are coming in so I think they are molting and getting pecked at, double whammy.

Coop is 8x8 for 8 birds. Run right now is another 100sqft+ (more each day as the snow melts). Mealworms for a treat in the AM, high protein layer feed (21%) for food, fresh water, poop cleaned off the board and out of the coop each day. Bedding is so-so but to be expected before spring clean out. I add more on top as I take some out when cleaning out manure. Roosts are too close I think so I’ll be removing the middle roost so they can’t reach each other at night. She just looks so rough it’s sad. 😕. Tough birds with personality though, putting out close to an egg a day. Pale combs from molt? Bought a pecking block for some entertainment. They have the run and roosts outside that they use.

The peeper seems to have helped, I think. They pecked hens look less rough now. No new raw spots that I can see. New feathers are coming in in the pecked spots. Some feathers have red in the shafts, like blood is getting pumped into them.

They look terrible, but are getting better it seems. Have a Jgiant coming into molt too. They’ve got a large coop, run, treat block, cabbage parts, outside roosts, Duffy run to scratch through, so I’m not too sure what else I can do to prevent this kind of pecking/picking.


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Plucking unfortunately seems to be a learned behavior so pluckers depart from my house. Or the protein is too low which can happen with quail
Plucking unfortunately seems to be a learned behavior so pluckers depart from my house. Or the protein is too low which can happen with quail
I’d do the same but my partner doesn’t want me killing domesticated animals. 🤷🏻‍♂️ However we do buy meat at the store, so I don’t understand that. (beef/pork/etc that’s likely come from a CAFO, etc.)

Feed is 21% for the molters if that matters. Thanks for the reply.
The peeper seems to have helped, I think. They pecked hens look less rough now. No new raw spots that I can see. New feathers are coming in in the pecked spots. Some feathers have red in the shafts, like blood is getting pumped into them.

They look terrible, but are getting better it seems. Have a Jgiant coming into molt too. They’ve got a large coop, run, treat block, cabbage parts, outside roosts, Duffy run to scratch through, so I’m not too sure what else I can do to prevent this kind of pecking/picking.

I’d do the same but my partner doesn’t want me killing domesticated animals. 🤷🏻‍♂️ However we do buy meat at the store, so I don’t understand that. (beef/pork/etc that’s likely come from a CAFO, etc.)

Feed is 21% for the molters if that matters. Thanks for the reply.
Chickens are livestock used for food, though a lot of folks do consider them as pets.

You may see some red shafts on new feathers coming in, those are blood feathers, new growth has a blood supply, but once they are fully in, then it's not a problem.

Do make sure that they are eating their normal feed. 21% protein is good, but if they have lots of other "goodies" free choice, then they may dilute that protein content.

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