Help please my quail are getting injured.

How tall are the coop & run?

You might check for feathers or blood on the top inside. I have read that if quail get scared and try to fly up, they can hit their head on the top of the coop and hurt themself. Feathers or blood might be proof if this did happen. No feathers or blood leaves you right where you were before, not knowing what caused this.

(I have no personal experience with quail, so the most I can suggest is "look and see." It might be a real thing to consider, or it might be an urban legend, and I don't know enough to tell.)
About three feet tall. That was my first check. But some just have the feathers pulled out while one is scalped. . I have the the worst off inside luckily I raise other birds and small animals so I have a lot of cages. But nothing I can see suggest getting hit, hitting the top, or predators. I've just never seen such aggressive behavior. I feel like it has to be genetic.
How tall are the coop & run?

You might check for feathers or blood on the top inside. I have read that if quail get scared and try to fly up, they can hit their head on the top of the coop and hurt themself. Feathers or blood might be proof if this did happen. No feathers or blood leaves you right where you were before, not knowing what caused this.

(I have no personal experience with quail, so the most I can suggest is "look and see." It might be a real thing to consider, or it might be an urban legend, and I don't know enough to tell.)
No, it's definitely a risk. I lose a good handful before I switched them out of solid wood pens to wire rabbit cages

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