Help!!! My Pet Turkey's Legs Are Crossing Eachother, Anybody Know How To Help Her???


Oct 21, 2022
Hi everybody! I have a pet turkey, and her legs are crossing each other, it seems like it's in the hip, but not sure.

He is five months old, when he was a baby his legs were really healthy, all but one toe anyway. I will be posting pics soon! Please reply as quickly as possible!
He eats corn and duck feed along with vegetables and protected free-ranging, he is a rescue turkey.

I love him so much!
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He eats corn and duck feed along with vegetables and protected free-ranging, he is a rescue wild turkey.

I love him so much!
I don't think that's a good feed for him, he needs game bird feed, however as a wild species, he needs to be turned over to your fish in game for his best chance at living.
It's very likely illegal for you to keep him, and when, not if, someone finds out, you will be fined and he will be taken away and culled. If you turn him over willingly while young, they'll likely rehabilitate him.
I will see if I can find a rehabilitator, but in the meantime, I would like to know how to help him. He is used to being handled, I handled him when he was a baby. Do you have any tips?

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