
In the Brooder
12 Years
Jun 14, 2007
ok i have researched and am going crazy with all i see on the puter with all the poultry diseases AHHHHHHHHHHH
i know my pullets have something respitory, occasional sneazing,weazing and clear drainige from nostrils streching their neck like somethings stuck. they are eating good one better then the other two. deficating fine I was wondering i have read different meds Tylan looks to be maybe what i need my two questions.... can you give the injectable one by mouth instead of injection, i look at that lil neck and say HOW?? I am giving terramycin right now. They have had a time of it and i want to get them healthy so they can enoy a life out with the others being spoiled chickens!!


Thanks Mirium for your advice on the other page also(respitory problem)
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..I dont want to confuse you more but these is also signs of gape worm and vit A deficiency (gapeworm is often confused with a respiratory condition and vit A deficiency will usually present with clear exudate (they can have both at same time) are you SURE it is respiratory (congestion etc.) Fenbendazol or albendazol will treat it (you can order at FirstStateVet Supply (see link) and instructions for use are included...Peter Brown can perhaps help you determine if it is the one or the other>post your enquiry at the board (link to the store is at top of page)
Vit. A deficiency can be treated by giving three drops of Polyvisol for a week and then tapering off the antibiotics (it is unwise to immediately change antibiotics)... how long have they been on the terramycin?
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One thing much simpler...what is the litter in your coop like? If it needs to be changed and is giving off ammonia smell, it might be irritating their respiratory systems and causing the symptoms you mention.
You might check that out first before dosing them with meds they don't need.
these are the pullets that were lost in the mail, and they are living in the house and cages changed daily with a couple hr's outside for some fresh air and sunlight they were shipped like this and i only have one coop outside with healthy birds. that i do not want to mix them with.

they have been on terramycin since thur.the 21st. the day they arrived
I asked as they do suggest you "finish"the regime once started (to offset resistance)... have you listened to their chests for congestion and such...I ask because the stretching the neck is also termed "gaping" however it also can occur with a severe vitamin A deficiency this symptom from plaques in the about it here:
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Thank you for the info any and all information is welcomed gladly!!

Yes i did listen to their chests and also you could hear the obvious wheezing when you held them near you. They are so sweet ans desearve to feel like happy healthy chickens, so whatever it is some how i will fix it

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