Help! Chicken struggles to poop, abscess below vent


Jul 13, 2022
North Carolina
Here is one of my girls. I noticed today that she is struggling to poop, and is squatting down attempting to but only leaks a small amount of liquid. There is this abscess around her vent area. What is wrong with her? VideoCapture_20240324-114657.jpg
Your hen is badly prolapsed and in need of immediate treatment.

You can give her a bath in warm water with epsom salt for about 15 minutes to clean the ventarea and relax her abdominal muscles.

Then dry her gently but thoroughly with clean towels, glove up and spread some cortisone or hemorrhoidal cream on the prolapse to make it shrink so you will be able to push it back in later.

Keep the prolapsed tissue clean and moist all the time to prevent it from getting necrotic.
Your hen is badly prolapsed and in need of immediate treatment.

You can give her a bath in warm water with epsom salt for about 15 minutes to clean the ventarea and relax her abdominal muscles.

Then dry her gently but thoroughly with clean towels, glove up and spread some cortisone or hemorrhoidal cream on the prolapse to make it shrink so you will be able to push it back in later.

Keep the prolapsed tissue clean and moist all the time to prevent it from getting necrotic.

Thanks! We did the Epsom Salt bath. After that, the prolapse had gone back in by itself. We applied the cream, and she seems to be doing much better. We will keep checking on her periodically. 20240324_124538.jpg
Thanks! We did the Epsom Salt bath. After that, the prolapse had gone back in by itself. We applied the cream, and she seems to be doing much better. We will keep checking on her periodically. View attachment 3780641
That is good news!
I hope she will be able to defecate properly without the prolapse coming out again.

You can keep her in a rather dark room for several days to stop the egglaying which will help the healing process.

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