Help! Chicken making gurgling noises and can't move!


Oct 13, 2020
My 4 year old barred rock is making gurgling noises and can't really move. She had a crop issue this last week that we thought we cleared up. Her comb is looking dark and her eyes are closed. What can we do to help her?
No, unfortunately it did not. She passed away during the night 😢 She never did walk again that day. She was worse in the evening...she wouldn't even open her eyes and her comb was getting darker. I knew she would pass overnight and sadly she did. We suspect she may have had some tumors. She had been having crop issues over the previous 4 months or so. And they say that crop issues are just a symptom of an underlying issue. Someone said that tumors can also cause crop issues and the fact that she couldn't even stand up or walk tells me something must have been pressing on her nerves. We will never though for sure.

Is your girl standing or walking at all? Interested in food or water? Did she have crop issues before?
I am so sorry....She was taking olive oily scrambled egg yolk last night/no water. But not this morning. Standing, but gurgling. I dropped some VetRX into side of beak...time will tell I guess.
We have her in our garage coop alone,
Oh, and we determined she/they ate an entire row of 26 x garlic tops through the fence at some point last week. Very fibrous...

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