Heat lamp bulbs keep shattering?


Jul 1, 2020
Small town in Western Washington
My Coop
My Coop
Hey guys,
I recently moved my 15 Cornish X chicks outside. They are between 3-4 weeks, and were outgrowing there brooder. The coop we have them in a a 8x12 chicken tractor, with a raised coop they can go under as not to loose run space. The coop has 3 protective walls, and one open wall with hardware cloth. Its a coop we got off of Craigslist, we paid more money then it was worth but we didn't realize that until after the purchase. Anyway, I'll have to cover the open wall in the winter, but I can do that.
We have a heat lamp in the back corner for the 3 week olds who only have half there feathers. Plus, it breezy out there, and can get chilly, they all huddle under the lamp at night. We have been using red bulbs, but had a white backup bulb for safety. When I separated Doodle and Smudge, I used the white bulb on their brooder and the red bulb in the other brooder, we then bought another red bulb for Doodle and Smudge. After we moved the 13 outside, and kept Doodle and Smudge's brooder inside for separation, we had a red bulb on both of the outdoor and indoor brooders. I came out one morning to feed Doodle and Smudge, and found the red bulb not on, it was totally shattered. There were red glass pieces on the outside of the brooder, so it really exploded.
I cleaned it up, and though that maybe a chick shook water on it, because the water did spill in the brooder that night. I replaced it with the white bulb. Everything has been fine since then, when I came out this morning to find that the red bulb in the outdoor coop was off. I check that all the extension cords were plugged in, and it still wasn't on, then released it was shattered as well.
It wasn't as bad this time, just one large chunk, and two small ones, so I didn't feel the need to clean out all the brand new shavings I had put in there. I replaced the outdoor bulb with the white bulb that was inside, which I think will be fine since Doodle and Smudge have been sleeping in the cool side of the brooder anyway, but I'm wondering what you think is happening? Is there something wrong with the red bulbs? Are they pecking them possibly? That doesn't make sense. The water isn't even in the outside coop, and I don't see how it could have gotten wet. I don't want this to happen to the white bulb, what do you think is going on.
We bought the bulbs at Hardware sales along with the rim, if that helps, but its the same bulb that is being sold at the feed store. Any ideas? Thanks
I have seen marks on mine where they have pecked the bulb but have never had a bulb crack. I use the 125w bulbs so they don't run as hot as the 250w bulbs.

What wattage bulb was it?
Was it within pecking range?
In 40 years of raising pigs and chickens tame and wild ducks . I have never used one red bulb . Not a one . They have thin glass , they are expensive and they can start fires . I just use a regular 100 watt bulb with the aluminum shroud . Cheep and safer . You can even put hardware cloth over the shroud so the chicks cant peck it . Hope this helps :love
I have seen a 100w bulb get way hotter than the 125w red heat lamp bulb I have. I actually burned the fire out of my arm working on a vehicle just from a quick touch and still have a slight scar from it. Whereas I can unscrew the 125w heat lamp bulb with my hands (still pretty warm though) when I turn them off.
I have seen marks on mine where they have pecked the bulb but have never had a bulb crack. I use the 125w bulbs so they don't run as hot as the 250w bulbs.

What wattage bulb was it?
Was it within pecking range?
Yes, its definitely within pecking range. Maybe since the only bulbs that are breaking are red, Doodle and Smudge, (two Cornish X I'm keeping as pets and restricting feed from) thought it was food and tried to peck it? I was feeding them less then I should to get them to loose weight, but it could also be curiosity. Should I assume thats the case?
Yes, its definitely within pecking range. Maybe since the only bulbs that are breaking are red, Doodle and Smudge, (two Cornish X I'm keeping as pets and restricting feed from) thought it was food and tried to peck it? I was feeding them less then I should to get them to loose weight, but it could also be curiosity. Should I assume thats the case?
I don't know. My bulbs are red too. I give my chicks free choice feed so it's probably not because they are hungry. I'd assume they just want to peck everything to see what things are.

How old are the chicks? Cornish cross is quite a bit bigger bird than my white leghorn chicks, so they should have more pecking power. It may be quite easy for them to break a bulb. Something to keep in mind.
I have seen a 100w bulb get way hotter than the 125w red heat lamp bulb I have. I actually burned the fire out of my arm working on a vehicle just from a quick touch and still have a slight scar from it. Whereas I can unscrew the 125w heat lamp bulb with my hands (still pretty warm though) when I turn them off.
Tested a 100w soft white bulb and a 125w red heat lamp bulb with an infrared thermometer.

The 125w heat lamp bulb is hotter in the front (where light beam is) than the 100w bulb, but the 100w bulb is hotter on the sides being basically the same temp all the way around the bulb. The 125w heat lamp bulb is noticeably cooler on the sides than in the front which is why it is easier to unscrew it while it is still hot. Personally, I don't see either of these bulbs being safer than one another. Now the 250w bulb is another story.

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