Hatching question


Apr 28, 2024
Hello! New to group, I have a question regarding a bantam hen. She went broody, so I borrowed some fertilized eggs. Started with 4, and thanks to a snake we are down to 1 egg. We are on about day 15. I was thinking if egg didn't hatch , would she accept an alternative chick, like one obtained elsewhere? Just want her to have a chick. TIA
Have you candled that one egg to see if it is developing?

I would not get just one chick. Get at least 2 and there is no guarantee she will accept chicks...even the one in the egg if it hatches.
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Also ...If a snake came to get eggs it will be back to get chicks so you might want to predator proof the area too.
Also ...If a snake came to get eggs it will be back to get chicks so you might want to predator proof the
Also ...If a snake came to get eggs it will be back to get chicks so you might want to predator proof the area too.

Thank you for reply. I considered candling the one egg , I will do that. Snake has been removed now....thank you!!!

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