Hardware cloth and mice


Jan 26, 2023
Middle Tennessee
Do I have to use 1/4” mesh hardware cloth to keep mice out? We have 1/2” hardware cloth and still got a mouse in the run. My husband says a mouse can squeeze through 1/2”. Is that even possible?
Do I have to use 1/4” mesh hardware cloth to keep mice out? We have 1/2” hardware cloth and still got a mouse in the run. My husband says a mouse can squeeze through 1/2”. Is that even possible?
Yes, mice can squeeze through 1/2" hardware cloth. It's amazing the tiny little spaces they can fit through. :barnie
I have watched mice go through my half inch hardware cloth, had them drown inside in the duck pond, and also have seen one stuck halfway through. As long as you bring the food in at night it's probably not a big deal. My ducks have killed one mouse inside their run.
@CoriM, Thank you for replying. I’m thinking I might have to replace the hardware cloth. Besides having a feeder that holds 50lbs of feed, the chickens have a thing about slinging food all over the ground in the run. I’m still fairly new at keeping chickens. Who would have thought…
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It's possible if they're small enough. In general, rodents can squeeze their body through any orifice they can fit their skull through. I've seen a dead small mouse stuck in our 1/2" HC, head was through but body was stuck probably because they ate some feed; didn't see the body the next day, chicken snack probably.
Stinkin’ mouse deserved it!
1/2 inch should do, its better anyways since its stronger than 1/4 inch.
If the mouse is small enough it could possibly go through, but that's gotta be a really really small mouse, and if it’s that small it'll just be a chicken snack.
I didn’t know 1/2” is stronger than 1/4”!! I’m learning new things all the time. Thank you

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