GRAPHIC PHOTOS what did this?


May 23, 2021
Wasilla, Alaska
Again there are GRAPHIC PHOTOS of a chickens body with her neck broken, a puncture wound and two gashes on her side, please don’t read this if you’re sensitive to that stuff I’d hate to upset anyone

Today I went outside and found Melvin’s fully intact body in the tree line. The barn and tree line are at least a good half acre away from each other.

We’ve had a great horned owl around but that was scared off by our dog a couple weeks ago and haven’t been seen since, we had a peregrine falcon here a few days ago but the body is still fully intact and uneaten, we had a magpie hanging around in the trees today but they’ve never given us trouble, we had a fox the beginning of this year and a black cat was seen coming out of our barn today(this cat we’ve lived next to since we moved in and he’s never given us trouble, it was always their indoor cat that would get my chicks)


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No way to tell what ate it unless you actually saw something eating it.

ANY hungry predator could have done that.
Ah okay that’s fair. Thinking over it again I think it must be a bird so I’ll just have to set up flags.
The roosters likely chased it off before it could get a better grip… our dog would’ve freaked out if there was a ground predator
My brother just told me he saw a big white cat being chased off. The neighbors indoor cat that has escaped and killed my chicks twice before is a fluffy Siamese- if I see him in our yard I’ll call animal control and get a live trap for him
I know you have quite a few Eagles up there and it is possible one of them got ahold of it.
They don’t hang around our house thankfully, they’re all over the hay flats- I’m betting it was the peregrine falcon after looking closer at it and seeing how it all went down.

It looked like the bird grabbed her, moved her halfway across the yard then got attacked by one of my roosters then moved her the other way half across where all three of my boys got the bird off her but by that time it was too late. It hasn’t been coming around again thankfully
Possums don’t live anywhere in my area and coons don’t live in neighborhoods here. They’re not common at all- I’ve lived here for 13 years and have yet to see one even on hiking trails so they’re highly not likely.

Melvin had two gashes and one puncture wound as you would see from talons
They don’t hang around our house thankfully, they’re all over the hay flats- I’m betting it was the peregrine falcon after looking closer at it and seeing how it all went down.

It looked like the bird grabbed her, moved her halfway across the yard then got attacked by one of my roosters then moved her the other way half across where all three of my boys got the bird off her but by that time it was too late. It hasn’t been coming around again thankfully
I am so sorry that this happened though and hopefully it was your first and last attack.

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