Ginger, the horse that taught me a lot <3


6 Years
May 13, 2018
The 'too much sunshine' sunshine state
Hey horse people! I know a lot of you have heard about me and the mare I helped train at my barn, Ginger. Well, Ginger's time with us is now over. She's still alive, don't worry lol!

I just wanted to make a little post about her one last time, because she means so very much to me, and we are now trying to find her a new home, so I won't have many more Ginger stories to collect and tell.

Ginger was a horse we got about 2-3 years ago now? A lady came and boarded her at our barn, but ended up selling her to us. Ginger came to us starved and barely knowing how to ride.
No one else really had started working with her (or really had the time or even wanted to) so I ended up being allowed to start riding and working with her. Over the past two years, I have grown very close to her, finished teaching her how to ride well, and helped her get into good shape and also become a loved lesson horse. Her personality came out wasn't always the prettiest lol. She has turned out to be quite mean to other horses and quite grumpy toward people too, but I love her nonetheless. Despite us having her for such a short time, she's become a big part of my life. She's always been more of a one person horse, and I've always been her one person.

A few months ago, Ginger came up lame with a mysterious foot injury. Even with corrective shoeing, it never went away. It kept coming back, all the way to the point where she was constantly lame and not getting better no matter what we did. We finally had to get her X-rays from the vet, and the results were bad as we expected. She has issues with her navicular bone in two places, and on top of that has arthritis in her foot. Sadly, Ginger can't be ridden again. This is a problem that will never get better.

It's been pretty hard for me dealing with this, but that's the way it goes with horses sometimes. Ginger did teach me so much, though, and I loved my time with her (and still have, for now.) She was the first horse I have ever helped train and really take care of. It's been a bumpy road, but full of good memories, and I have learned a lot from working with this lovely (yet mean lol) mare. She's actually the horse that has convinced me and made me want to become a horse trainer now.

We are now trying our best to find some rescue or someone who wants a pasture pet or who will take her and give her a good ol life out in a pasture somewhere. Hopefully we can find a good place soon. Please give your own beloved horses a pat and thank-you... You never know when something will go wrong, nor how much these beautiful creatures can mean to us until it is time to say goodbye.

However sad I am about Ginger, I will never forget her nor the lesson she taught me. I will certainly take all I learned from this horse and remember it for the next horses I train and care for in the future. ❤️


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Oh no! I'm so very sorry. I've come to love beautiful Ginger, after reading everything you posted about her, giving you random advice about her training, and learning a lot from you and your experiences with her as well.
I wish I owned my own barn, instead of boarding my own two elderly horses, and lived closer to you - I wish I could adopt Ginger. I have a soft spot in my heart for Ginger, and for crabby mares in general.
I so hope you can find a rescue organization who can take her and find her a loving home, she definitely deserves it after all she's been through.
Not sure where in the US you live, but you should contact Horse Plus Humane Society - they're on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and other social media. They're based in Tenessee, but are in touch with other rescue organizations all around the country. They're a super ethical rescue organization, and I bet they could help you find a loving home for your beautiful Ginger. :hugs
I used to own a bay quarter horse with a white crescent moon on her forehead.
She was the best! I miss her. She got hurt in the pasture and couldn’t be ridden anymore either. I had to give her away. It was the worst experience! I loved her so much. She was like Ginger. A one person horse. And VERY stubborn sometimes. Thank you for sharing!
I always said one day I will get a horse again. That was 15 years ago....
I’m still waiting. Animals are so wonderful I can only hope God had horses for us in heaven!
Good luck! I really hope someone wants to spoil her and love her just for being cute.
Oh what a sweetheart that's the worst having to give up the horse that loves and trusts you and you love her back she pretty and cute!!!! How comes the ones no one likes always steal your heart?

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