Gapeworm treatment — Ivermectin on back for how many days?


7 Years
Jul 9, 2016
Russell, Kansas
I have one hen with pretty bad Gapeworm.

I treated with spot on Ivermectin at 1 drop per 50 grams. She needed 36 drops because she was just under 1800 grams. (I weighed her with my handy dandy sourdough scale.)

Do I just give her the Ivermectin once? Or do I need to do it every day?

I read somewhere that Ivermectin doesn’t touch the adult worms, so wondering if I should give her Safe Guard Fenbendazole.

But concerned about giving too many meds at once?
Are you certain you're dealing with gapeworm? If one bird has them, most likely other birds will have them as well. A fecal float test will determine if your hen has gapeworms.
For gapeworm, it's better to use Safeguard liquid goat wormer. Dosage is 0.14ml per pound of weight given orally for 5 days straight.

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