Finding vets doing lab work for chickens

I have been doing my own fecal tests for over 5 years. I can see Razzlefeazzle points. Usually the lab techs at the vet's office do the testing and there are so many variables that make this test not very accurate. I live in South Texas and it is very humid and hot therefore being a paradise for parasites.
My girls and boys get medicated for round worms at least 3 times a year, but because I don't want to treat the whole flock if I see worms in poop, I run fecals by coops ( 5 in total) and treat the birds in the coop that is positive. I know the others also have a load but if the fecal float doesn't show any eggs, I don't treat.
This has been a never ending battle for me. Alternating wormers can help but the resistance is always a risk.

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