Fertile Welsh Harlequin Duck Eggs for Sale


Mar 17, 2022
Central Florida
I live in Florida on a residential farmette. I have twenty healthy chickens and five healthy Welsh Harlequin ducks. I do not have a rooster so I do not sell fertile chicken eggs. I did not plan on welcoming a drake but it happened when I purchased my ducks. It was a package deal😄 He’s super sweet and I’m glad I gave him a chance.

As a result of the drake, I have plenty of fertile eggs. I gave a dozen to a coworker and he’s incubating them now. 10/12 were developing at one week and are set to hatch later next week.

I’ve shipped one dozen via USPS small packaging (flat rate) so I have a set shipping cost of approximately $12. It could go up if I need larger packaging for larger orders. Of course I’d only charge one shipping fee no matter how many eggs are ordered. I will package them so that each egg is bubble wrapped in duck cartons and the cartons will be bubble wrapped as well. I’ll stuff shredded paper for padding inside the shipping box.

At this time, I’m charging $20 a dozen plus the shipping fee.

If anyone is interested in purchasing fertile eggs, please contact me and I’ll happily set something up. I can use Venmo, CashApp, and Zelle. I also have a Square as well as PayPal. Thank you in advance. I know hatcheries charge an arm and a leg for hatching eggs. I’ll post some pics of my ducks when I return home later today😊

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