
In the Brooder
Aug 15, 2021
Do you have one chicken that you love more than any other bird you own? I'd love to see them! There will be no prizes for this contest - this is just for fun and to share your beautiful birds! Please attach at least one picture of your chicken, their name, their breed, why they're your favorite, and (optional) their story! I will pick out my top three favorites on September 1st - good luck to you all!
Here's an example.

This is Princess, my blue Croad Langshan hen! She's my favorite because she's so sweet and loves to cuddle.


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This is our English Araucana cockerel, Pip. He's the funniest bird. He screams most dramatically whenever he sees something he thinks could be a danger and he will usually accept a beard tickle. He thinks an awful lot of himself and is always flapping his beautiful wings. He always makes me laugh (look at that face for starters 🤣 ) and so far he's been good with our kids.
English Araucana Cockerel.jpg Pip flapping 2.jpg Pip.jpg
Here is my favorite chicken.😁 She may not be here anymore but she was definitely my favorite!❤️ She loved people and hated being out in her coop (because I wasn’t out there all the time🤪)!🤣 She really was just a house chicken at heart and never grew out of it. She would even come running when I called “Margo”!😁 When she got sick (twice😔) I tried everything I could think of but... But even when she was sick she would get happy to see me. She would lift her little head and look into my eyes (she hated when I cried). But I held her all the way to the end and she died in her happiest place (my arms). I could never love another the same way. I still see her sometimes (in some of my other polishes). She passed on her personality and I’m so glad! I really miss my favorite baby but I’m glad her suffering ended.❤️ Her name is Baby Margo and she was a buff laced polish. My favorite.

(Sorry it’s so picture heavy she really was my whole world)

She dealt with bullying☹️-
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