Exp. Pigeon People Help Please

Mom 2em All

14 Years
Apr 20, 2008
Dora, Alabama
I was given a young homer who is probably 18-20 weeks old now. I have had him for a couple weeks. He is MEAN! He pecks at my hand, and makes his warbling coo sound while doing it.

Are they always mean? If I got him a friend will it help? Right now the thought of letting those wings grow out sounds nice- "mean bird...fly fly away..", but I digress..I would purchase a friend for him if it would help.. Or if someone who has a flock of these somewhat near me would be interested in him, I would even do that. I just need to do something because getting pecked by a pigeon every single day is not something I feel like doing.

I don't know anyone who sells homers, so I don't know where I could get him a mate. What he really needs is a seasoned female who could whup his tail feathers into shape and right on down the 'pecking order' ladder.
He may just be acting out cause he dont know you and thats his way of trying to scare you off. Give him time, he should come around to like you and may even become your pet and fly onto your shoulders for a ride. After getting him used to you, you may want to get him a friend for when you cant be with him. Good luck with him.

P.S.........if you dont live too far away, I have alot of homers, rollers, shakers and some other kind I cant remember their breed name.................
Please pm me later tonight or tomorrow. My husband raised and raced pidgeons for years.......travelled the country doing it and is SUPER EXPERIENCED. However, he just stepped into the pool. We will be in later and check for messages.

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