Escaped pet or wild dove?

Texas! šŸ¤ 

Unfortunately we're in a severe drought right now. Most of our neighbor's ponds have dried up, all the grass is crispy & it is HOT! I think I was more concerned with her dying from dehydration instead of something getting her.
Hot here in SE MO, too. I'm glad you rescued her.
Texas! šŸ¤ 

Unfortunately we're in a severe drought right now. Most of our neighbor's ponds have dried up, all the grass is crispy & it is HOT! I think I was more concerned with her dying from dehydration instead of something getting her.
It's been awful in Texas. There are feral populations of Eurasian Collared doves in Texas, but she's most likely a captive-bred Ringneck, as I've never seen mutations like that in breeding populations. Good on her for flying in the coop. It shouldn't be too hard to find a buddy or two for her, so she's got some company since the chickens don't like her.
It shouldn't be too hard to find a buddy or two for her, so she's got some company since the chickens don't like her.
Unfortunately I have had almost no luck finding a buddy for her. šŸ˜„ I've started from Stromberg's,but now it's looking to be my only option! I've reached out to a few breeders, even retired breeders, but not much luck.

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