Escaped Parakeet

budgies tend to eat what they see other birds eating so if it adopts that flock or another, thatl probaby happen.
I used to breed them and had alot of them .
As long as you could get just one to eat something new, they all would follow along.
If you decide to get another one, I would recomend getting a hand fed one that is young.
If the little area above it's beak is dark brown, tan or Blue, dont buy it, its too old.
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I really hope where you live is warm. If I were you I would be for placing a lost add in your paper somone might get close enough to catch it. If it does happen you may get a better chance of getting it back that way. But I regret to say I had the same thing happen to me. I never seen the bird agian.
The cold weather will definitely be hard for her (if she llives until winter). We usually have a few nights that it gets down in the teens, plus wind chill, making it around zero. I don't think an ad in the paper would do much good, though, because she doesn't like people, and unless she was seriously injured or starving, I don't think she'd let anyone close. Even then she'd probably chew their finger up enough tha they would decide she wasn't worth the trouble of keeping.
Several of my neighbors now I had a parakeet, though, so if them happen to see her, they'll probably think to let me know.
Thanks for the help
I know you say it's been long, and I'm so sorry that she seems lost. However, just in case it can help (or in case someone reads this later in similar circumstance) ... have you tried a mirror?

Many hookbills are strongly attracted to that "bird in the mirror" -- especially parakeets.

Just wanted to offer the suggestion.
Good idea! Wish I'd thought of that when she was hanging around the yard! She used to love mirrors. I'd put one in her cage and she and our other bird would regurgitate all over it. Just don't give a bird a mirror you want to use again. I haven't even seen her in ten days, though, so I think she's gone for good. If she comes back around I'll try that and see if it helps.
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