Do baby ducks need Corid?


I love my sebright!!
Premium Feather Member
7 Years
May 8, 2017
So I'm hatching some baby ducks in a couple weeks, and I don't really remember from my last hatch what to give them in their water. I know baby ducks can get coccidiosis and I need some help with what to give them. I give my chickens corid, but I'm not quite sure what to give the baby ducks. Any help appreciated! !
I hope you don’t give your chickens corid regularly. It should only be given if they’re actually sick. And even then only around a week at most. It’s not designed to be given all the time nor should it be.
Course not I just give it to the baby fowl (one dose) so they don't get coccidiosis.
I’ve had ducks seven years no corrid needed . I only recently bought some to add to my first aid kit because I added chickens to my flock
I hope you don’t give your chickens corid regularly. It should only be given if they’re actually sick. And even then only around a week at most. It’s not designed to be given all the time nor should it be.
Some people feed medicated feed to their chicks.

Some people use unmedicated chick starter and put corid in the water. It's the same active ingredient (amprolium) in the corid or the medicated starter in the USA.

And some people raise chicks with no medicated feed, no medicated water, and use corid only if the chicks have a problem with coccidiosis.

Any of the three ways can work fine.

From the instructions I've seen, Corid is designed to be used either ot two ways: a high dose for a short time if the chicks are showing symptoms of coccidiosis, or a lower dose all the time instead of using medicated starter.

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