She didn't make it. She had a convulsion and then was gone. I'm livid I was probably sitting right here when it happened and didn't see it. I let Michael know the first chicken I see going too far with another chicken is going.

He feels bad too. I have no other cuckoo hen as her sister is sold with the clown nn rooster on 6/3 to a repeat customer, so I can't renig. I'll deal with it some other time as I'm still so darned mad at myself and whoever did this.
I'm so sorry Debbie. :hugs I hope you can determine who the bully is and bring peace back to your flock.
She didn't make it. She had a convulsion and then was gone. I'm livid I was probably sitting right here when it happened and didn't see it. I let Michael know the first chicken I see going too far with another chicken is going.

He feels bad too. I have no other cuckoo hen as her sister is sold with the clown nn rooster on 6/3 to a repeat customer, so I can't renig. I'll deal with it some other time as I'm still so darned mad at myself and whoever did this.
I am so sorry Debbie, :hugs its not anyone's fault, stuff happens within flocks. I hope your heavy heart heals soon. 💔
She didn't make it. She had a convulsion and then was gone. I'm livid I was probably sitting right here when it happened and didn't see it. I let Michael know the first chicken I see going too far with another chicken is going.

He feels bad too. I have no other cuckoo hen as her sister is sold with the clown nn rooster on 6/3 to a repeat customer, so I can't renig. I'll deal with it some other time as I'm still so darned mad at myself and whoever did this.
Sorry for your loss. She sure was beautiful. It’s easy to blame yourself but please don’t. It’s no way your fault. We do our best to protect our flocks but we can’t be everywhere at the same time. You’re doing a fantastic job and this kind of stuff is bound to happen now and again. Hang in there.

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