Curious- No Tail Development - Updated w/ Pics 2, 3.5, 4.5, 6.5 weeks

Better comb photo of Partridge Penedesenca at 3.5 weeks.



These photos are not lightened and today I’m seeing slightly more pink in her comb.
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4.5 week old notes on the birds that grew slow tails....

Blue Cuckoo Marans
Remains the LARGEST chick by far. Comb doesn’t have much noticeable progression over the week. Slight pink tint and maybe pink waddles?

Has gone from mostly flesh colored to more pink.

The marans has more rooster behavior. He challenges one of my dogs (sort of lol) and these two birds are chest bumping a couple times a day when I let everyone out. Also a photo when you make a noise both of these birds stand up instead of crouch.

SPeckled Sussex
No photos today, slowest feather growth of all, still looks 2 weeks old. Acts 100% like a pullet. :)







Also, size wise, these combs are smaller than my same-age white leghorn, clearly a pullet. She has the largest comb but my past leghorns at 4 weeks were already sporting miniature red combs if they were boys. The marans and Penedesenca are slightly more pink than hers.
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6.5 wk update:

Speckled Sussex is tiny and slow feathering but all signs say pullet. There’s still no tail, just down.

Marans is GIGANTIC but all signs say pullet. This bird is full twice as big as every other chick of the same age, I included a photo with several of the other same age birds for comparison. zero additional comb growth in two weeks, staying flesh colored.

Penedesenca has me thinking, especially with behavior. The Marans that I thought could have exhibited cockerel behavior is looking for just like a flock leader. The SS is just friendly and outgoing. This one seems a little dominant. By far the pinkest comb, but nothing like the leghorn or buff Orpington cockerels I had at the same age. What age can you tell from saddle feather development?

Speckled Sussex

Blue Cuckoo Marans


Partridge Penedesenca


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