Crusty vents got me worried… should I be?


Sep 20, 2020
Southern U.S
I have four girls, all of which I gave baths last week because two had mini poop balls stuck a under their vents and two that just had normal stains on their fluff. So about two weeks ago, they all had perfectly (and for the other two, mostly) clean vents again.
Today, the two that had the small poop balls stuck under their vents (Henrietta (almost 4) and Agnes (pullet)) already have a crusty buildup there again. Yesterday, Agnes was pooping a lot of clear, watery liquid. She also was drinking a lot. It was pretty hot yesterday. Besides that, the birds weren’t acting weird.
All of my girls have had normal fluffy butts with no visible poop on them, even before I washed them. It’s just that Agnes and Henrietta seem to have especially watery poops that make their vents kind of dirty? It’s a little worrying to me.
Ever since I bathed the girls, we have had our hottest weather here in Texas, so maybe that’s the cause. It’s also been raining a lot.
I put Agnes in the sink again yesterday to try to get all the crust off her butt but I couldn’t. I didn’t bother with Henrietta because she wasn’t having super watery poops. Should I just leave it be and not worry? Or do is it about time for my pullet’s first de worming session? Maybe there’s something else going on? Thanks for the help. IMG_9999.jpeg
Henrietta’s fluff

Henrietta’s vent
Stop bathing them, it stresses them out.
A little poop is normal.
What is their diet?
They eat purina all flock with grit and calcium in the side and get to free range for about 2 hours more or less (with feed available) everyday. I would say they also each eat about a small palmful of scratch everyday during short training sessions and to encourage them to go back into the run.
Stop bathing them, it stresses them out.
A little poop is normal.
What is their diet?
The only one I cleaned again was Agnes. I wanted to get the other girls a summer bath to keep them used to it because I’m going to have to bathe them again in August before the exhibition. If I wasn’t going to show them, I wouldn’t have bathed the ones with clean vents.

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