Common Crosses with a Black Australorp hens? Buff orpingtons?


Apr 7, 2022
Curious if anyone knows of some common hybrids crosses that use a black Australorps hen? Buff orpingtons hens?

What are the crosses called and what breed of rooster do they require?

Thanks in advance šŸ˜‰
I don't think there are any crosses of these breeds that are considered common. Most common crosses now are for egg production, or egg colors, like Easter eggers, and olive eggers. I know they are breeding both these breeds for different coloration. Especially the Orpingtons.
Crossing at all is not common, although becoming more so. Crosses are usually called BYM, or barnyard mix, although hatcheries often name their deliberate crosses and sell them.

Rather like the difference between a labradoodle and a mutt. Both crosses.

With that being said, this boy was a Bielefelder x BA. He died last week.

I donā€™t have any good pictures of him. My friend has his sisters, they just started laying at 22 weeks.


The Australorp is the original black Orpington bred for utility in Australia. There is no other distinction. The New Hampshire is Rhode Island Red bred for better meat. No other breed was introduced either. The Buckeye predates the Rhode Island Red and those two breeds in early years were often interchanged. Name difference being the location. Through a different standard of body type they developed the Red for better egg production and the Buckeye is the better dual purpose bird.

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