Chukars in New York: Winter Preparation Questions


In the Brooder
5 Years
Aug 10, 2014
I live in New York and recently discovered that the 5 "guinea hens" I purchased are in fact chukars. I was raising them with my chickens, but have recently built them their own enclosure after learning that they shouldn't be raised with chickens.

What should I do to winterize their pen? I already have electric run out there for their water heater, but I'm not sure what else to do. We build 2 boxes with a cutout and attached them to the pen, but I'm not sure if that's enough.
Here are some pictures of my current set up.

(PS: Both the chukars and the chickens are VERY upset that they've been separated.

wrap the outside with a tarp and put a heat light in the coop

No no no don't give them heat.Wrap the top 3 ft of their pen so when they roost they don't get a draft blowing on them.These are very hardy birds and will survive thru the winter with no problems.Use a clear poly so they have all the light they can get.They have climatized for the winter and if you give them heat they may go into a molt and lose their down they they have produced to keep them warm.Providing heat for any bird does more harm then good.
In N.H.,Tony.
Tony, I took your advice and they did well through the winter! Such tough birds they are!!
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I live in New York and recently discovered that the 5 "guinea hens" I purchased are in fact chukars. I was raising them with my chickens, but have recently built them their own enclosure after learning that they shouldn't be raised with chickens.

What should I do to winterize their pen? I already have electric run out there for their water heater, but I'm not sure what else to do. We build 2 boxes with a cutout and attached them to the pen, but I'm not sure if that's enough.
Here are some pictures of my current set up.

(PS: Both the chukars and the chickens are VERY upset that they've been separated.


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