Chicken with Swollen eye that has only gotten worse.


In the Brooder
Sep 18, 2023
Connecticut, USA
I've looked on all the other threads, My Midgie doesn't look like some of the other chickens in the Emergency threads.
we noticed her closing her eye this past Sunday 9/17/23. I had the antibiotic eye ointment and put that on there, then we read that we can give aspirin. So we were giving baby aspirin (81mg) but we were so unsure so I gave her a quarter of the tablet (20.25mg). We obviously separated her from the flock, put her in a dog crate in the shower. gave food water and let her rest; it also doesn't help that we are going away this upcoming weekend and I want to either tell my sitter what to expect or help Midgie heal a bit faster. We tried flushing the eye to see if there was anything stuck in it, there wasn't. Now I really don't know what to do. She's eating, drinking walking around (if I bring her outside to just graze.) I tired putting her back in the flock because she wandered over to the run. They picked on her, they know she's unwell.
I don't know what to do. Does anyone know? The last photo of her, the overview that was a few days ago.


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Have you added anyone new to your flock recently? Does she have any bubbles or pus in the eye, or do you see any nasal drainage? What is the antibiotic ointment,,,and how often are you using it in her eye? Terramycin or Neosporin/triple antibiotic ointment are normally used for an eye infection. It can be a sign of a respiratory disease, such as MG. Tylosin powder(ordered online) in the water or Tylan 50 from a feed store can be used to treat MG.
Have you added anyone new to your flock recently? Does she have any bubbles or pus in the eye, or do you see any nasal drainage? What is the antibiotic ointment,,,and how often are you using it in her eye? Terramycin or Neosporin/triple antibiotic ointment are normally used for an eye infection. It can be a sign of a respiratory disease, such as MG. Tylosin powder(ordered online) in the water or Tylan 50 from a feed store can be used to treat MG.
I haven't added anyone to the flock, she doesn't have any bubbles. no discharge from the nose. No pus. We have Terramyacin, I'll put more on now. How often should I put it on her eye?

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