Chicken was attacked and has a droopy twitching tail

Kyla Dawn

May 20, 2023
I have four one-year-old cinnamon queens at a healthy weight. One was just found in the mouth of a dog and while she doesn’t seem to have any obvious injuries she is acting strange. She’s showing symptoms similar to being egg-bound. Her poop is runny and her tail is drooping and twitching. She is lethargic and we’ve had to hand feed her food, which has only consisted of mealworms, she won’t try to eat anything else, and water. She hasn’t made an attempt to do these things herself. For now we’ve isolated her with water and electrolytes and her own food. She seemed alert and doesn’t stand in a “penguin stance” as of right now. But I wonder if the trauma forced her into egg-binding. What’s really stumped me is her twitching drooping tail, I’ve never seen anything like it and nothing online has been very helpful. I can’t attach a video but I’d like to reiterate her drooping/twitching tail. Any advice or past experience is welcome! We live very far from any vet and so we’d like to try to remedy this here at home.
You said no obvious injuries but have you checked her all over very carefully? Maybe there are tooth marks? From what you said, I guess there’s no blood anywhere but perhaps could be a broken bone maybe a broken bone in the back tail area that’s causing the tail to do that. Sounds like you’re doing the best you can for right now at least she’s eating the meal worms when one of my ducks had a broken leg. All she would eat was mealworms too. I ended up having to tube feed her for a couple of weeks. Hopefully someone more knowledgeable will come and answer your post soon.

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