Chicken ID help


Dec 15, 2023
Hi there! I have recently acquired a flock of 10 hens. The hen in the photo attached is the last one left to be identified. Is this a welsummer or a brown leghorn? The white lobe led me to believe it was a leghorn, but I want to think it’s actually a welsummer because I already have a white leghorn and I have never gotten more than 1 white egg in a day (i usually get 6 white eggs per week). I do have one egg that I haven’t matched to a hen yet (attached), and I think this may be hers which I think would make her a welsummer. For context, I also have 3 australorps, 3 green queens, 1 buff Orpington, 1 salmon faverolle, 1 white leghorn, and this last unidentified hen. Any thoughts on either the hen or egg would be helpful, thanks!


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I was talking about the egg you're holding.
Yes, that one in the photo in my hand is brown as compared to the green ones in the background. I have attached another photo to show my point. The egg in my hand is definitely brown. the green ones in the carton are from my green queens. I am inquiring about if my brown one could come from this mystery hen.


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Yes, that one in the photo in my hand is brown as compared to the green ones in the background. I have attached another photo to show my point. The egg in my hand is definitely brown. the green ones in the carton are from my green queens. I am inquiring about if my brown one could come from this mystery hen.
Looks like a shade of green too me.

Only way to confirm for sure is when it's cracked open. The shell under the outer membrane will be blue.

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