Chicken/banty feed mix


May 11, 2021
I have full size chickens and bantam chickens, in 2 separate runs and coops. I feed a high quality feed but I also mix my own feed. I do corn, whole oats and black sunflower seeds. They also free range at least an hour a day, more when I can allow it (we have a ton a loose/stray dogs so my chickens are only out when I can watch) I know I shouldn’t have to worry much about nutrition between the premade food and free range but my banties won’t hardly eat the sunflower seeds and I have to buy cracked corn because the banties won’t eat whole corn either. I’m sure it comes down to the whole corn and sunflower seeds are to large to comfortably swallow…or maybe they just don’t like them. Anyway any tips or tricks for a well balanced banty feed even if I have to buy 2 separate sets of feeds. Sorry I feel like I was all over the place explaining but I wanted y’all amazing people to have the whole picture.
Skip the scratch feed it's not worth having. But since it sounds like you still have the scratch feed. Turn it into fermented scratch feed, it will be soften and moist and add beneficial prebiotic. Chickens love yeasty flavored food items.

I feed my chickens thawed frozen corn, mealworms, de-shelled sunflower seeds, and most fresh leafy vegetables as I have it on hand. There getting benefits from it.

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